

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Baby # 2

I know that I have done a horrible job this time around of writing down things about this pregnancy.  I thought I should atleast give an update as we enter the 3rd trimester.  I know, that means we only have 3 months left before this little bundle of joy makes his/her appearance.  The bad thing is I hear 3 months and that feels like a lot of time still; however school starts in less than a month, which means daycare, football practices and just actually having to work again start making their way into our schedule.  This leaves me with less time to prepare things at home for the baby.  I have told myself all along I want to have things basically ready to go when I go back to school.  That is 3 weeks away and I have A LOT to accomplish.

Back to the actual pregnancy.  Things have been going well through all of it so far.  The bump is starting to poke its way out.  I feel like things are very similar to my pregnancy with Lukas.  ( I am already comparing these children, poor things)  Erin and I decided not to find out what the sex of the baby is.  I guess we just thought it might be fun to have that surprise at the hospital.  I just keep picturing that scene in movies where the doctor announces "It's a ....".  Although I do realize that actual labor is really nothing compared to what most movies portray it as.  I never could have done that with Lukas, but I am very excited about it with this one.  It makes me a little worried about having things ready if it is a girl, but I am sure we will be fine.

I wear a lot of gym shorts and t-shirts just because it is most comfortable.  I am a little nervous about what I will wear when I do go back to work.  I am just not big on spending a lot of money on maternity clothes.  I usually just make dresses work.  I have a band thing for pants, but the baby is so low that it is just not very comfortable.  Maybe I can just wear the P.E. teachers wardrobe in my math class, surely that would be okay right?

The baby's room is coming along.  I will eventually post pictures when it is more complete.  The colors are teal and white on the walls and then the furniture is black.  I am planning to either add some navy blue or purple in curtains and different things around the room.  I am really liking it so far.

Pregnancy Stats:
How Far Along:  28 weeks
Movement:  I have been feeling the baby move for quite awhile now.  It is very active in the evening and when I lay down to go to sleep
Sleep:  I sleep okay, nothing great  I wake up a lot and have a hard time getting comfortable
Weight Gain:  15 lbs.
Gender:  unknown
Names:  We have it very narrowed down for both boy and girl
What I Miss:  I am not a big pop drinker, but I miss Dr. Pepper
Cravings:  I could eat chocolate all day, but I am not real sure that has anything to do with pregnancy

Picture 6 months:


  1. first of all, you look awesome! you're tiny! we didn't find out the sex of Banks and it was THE BEST THING EVER. you won't regret it! :) Good luck!

  2. You are so cute Cindy! I think it's so fun you guys are keeping the gender a surprise!

  3. At least you are writing things down! 3rd for us and not a stitch written down... :)
