

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day

FINALLY....It happened.  We got a snow day!  I will admit that the snows we have had so far this year have not been that bad.  We had one bad day of ice, but it came while we were at school.  So it is not crazy that we have not had a day off yet, but I like to always hope for it anyway.  Going to bed last night I just knew that it was all going to be miss us and it would just be miserably cold.  Everytime I got up to feed Lukas I would check outside and see what was going on.  When that call came at 5:15 I practically jumped out of bed!  Snow days at our house are extra special now.  We all THREE get to stay home together!!  It was a great day of just hanging out and playing inside.  The best part was staying in our pajamas until lunch.  I loved it!!!

Sadly we didn't take any pictures, but here is one that I don't think I have shared yet :)


1 comment:

  1. look like you are figuring out the camera with the focus and the fuzzy background! you will have to share your secret :)
    -Jenny Ramsey
